Abuja Journal of Agriculture and Environment (AJAE)

Author(s): GANA, E.S, AGBO A.N AND GUGAH M.P. 
Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 2 (2023)


This study investigated the effect of changes in temperature( 60 0 C- 90 0 C, 90 0 C- 120 0 C and 120 0 C-150 0 C respectively) in amino acids profile using both the traditional and improved traditional smoking kilns, the aim of the experiment was determine and compare the highest percentage occurrence between the two smoking method in relation to time of smoking (6hrs, 9hrs and 12hrs respectively) Technicon sequential Multi Amino Acid Analyzer (TSM) was the material and method used carry out this experiment, it was observed that improved traditional kilns has the highest compositions of amino acids. The improved smoking kilns were labelled, and the smoking was done for 6 hours at varying temperature by the use of a clock and thermometer. 40 pieces of fresh Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia) was purchased from Gwagwalada market after which the fishes were transported in polythene bags to the University Research Farm at the permanent site (Along Airport Road). On getting to the farm, these fishes were washed, descaled and gutted and sundried in order to reduce its moisture content, 12 pieces of fish was arranged in each of the three improved traditional smoking drums used (making a total of 36 pieces, the balance of the remaining 4 pieces serve as the control experiment I.e. traditional smoking kiln) . Each drum was then designated as T1, T2, T3. DrumT1,for instance contained three set of tray carrying 4 pieces of fish whereby each of the tray was marked R1,R2, R3. Furthermore, Drum T was smoked for 6hours with a temperature between 600C – 900C. Drum T was 1 2smoked for 6hours with a temperature between 900C – 1200C. Drum T was smoked for 6hours with a 3temperature between 1200C- 1500C. The smoking was done once a week for one month. The best smoking temperature using the improved traditional smoking kilns is 60-900c which has a total value of 84.54%.Followed by improved traditional kiln of 90-1200c which has a total value of 80.35%. Furthermore, the improved traditional kiln with a temperature between 120-1500c has a total value of 74.44% amino acids. The least total value obtained is 68.55% in traditional kiln. From the outcome of this experiment, Glutamic acid has the highest value at 60 – 900C, and Cystine has the lowest values at 120 – 1500. Therefore it can be concluded that improved traditional smoking perform better than traditional smoking kiln. It is recommended that efforts should geared in promoting improved traditional smoking kilns especially at the rural areas


Amino acid, Improved Traditional Smoking Kiln (ITSK), Oreochromis niloticus and Temperature,